About the ingredients of Heat Recovery Media
When it comes to RTO Heat Recovery Media -
especially serving processes with caustic fume, the only way to avoid rapid destruction is to purchase a porcelain product. Industrial alumina porcelain is defined as “kiln-fired ceramic whose chemical constituent mix ratio is greater than 50% by weight of alumina, no matter what product; monolith or random packed. It should have a chemical composition exceeding 50% alumina by proven analysis (not 50%+/-5%) to have any chance of survival. And the more alumina in the media, the longer the product will last.
In fact -
some ceramic refractory blocks are manufactured to 95% alumina, just for this purpose, to resist destruction by alkali in very caustic high temperature environments. Alumina resists caustic alkali attack; silica does not. This is an important distinction.
Salt (NaCl) within the process fume stream is very corrosive, especially in a molten state and will attack RTO heat recovery media, especially where the temperature exceed 1475 F, which is typical for an RTO combustion chamber.
Cell Stone® QuadCell™ Monolith, HexCell™ Monolith -
composition is 53%-55% alumina as our standard. We do not sell any monolith with less than 53% alumina and our product is independently tested by US and European test agencies.
Cell Stone® Ultra™ - HA -
is 53%-55% alumina low pressure drop media with the caustic resistance needed for certain processes such as wood product production. As with our monolith, Cell Stone® Ultra™ - HA is independently tested for composition consistency and quality.